Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday inaugurated Shri Vishwakarma Skill University campus in Dudhaula village of Palwal district. The government allocated Rs 357 crore to the university. The Chief Minister emphasised that the significant impact of India’s youth globally through skill development, with Haryana playing a pivotal and unmatched role in this field.
He said that the country’s first skill university has been established in Palwal district, bringing pride to the region. He said the university’s success in securing better placements and the local youth achieving self-reliance through skill development, paving the way for self-employment opportunities.
The Chief Minister said a grant of Rs 1,000 crore has been approved by the government for the university’s development, aimed at aligning the state’s youth with the skill development.
Of this allocation, Rs 357 crore has already been utilised for infrastructure, and an additional Rs 150 crore would soon be disbursed for the university management’s request, he said.