Haryana: Possibility of relief from scorching heat; Weather will change from tonight, chances of rain

Weather may change in Haryana from Friday night. South-western winds coming from Rajasthan will change into eastern winds entering Haryana from tonight.

Panchkula : Weather may change in Haryana from Friday night. South-western winds coming from Rajasthan will change into eastern winds entering Haryana from tonight. These winds often bring moisture. This will bring down the temperature and there are chances of rain too.

Due to the partial effect of Western Disturbance, there are chances of rain in Haryana from June 1. Although this rain will happen in some areas, but due to the easterly winds, people will get relief from the rising temperature during the day. The wind has been blowing in this direction for about 17 days.

South-western winds are entering the north-western districts of Haryana from Rajasthan. Due to this, both Sirsa and Hisar are at the top in terms of temperature in the state. At the same time, the temperature in Sirsa has reached close to 50 degrees.

Minimum temperature also rises

There has also been a rise in the night temperature in the state. Due to the rise in temperature, the minimum temperature of Narnaul reached 32.4 degrees. Similarly, Ambala’s temperature reached 30.8 degrees.

Advisory issued to protect yourself from heat wave

Revenue and Disaster Management Department has issued advisory to protect from heat wave. To protect from heat wave, wear light coloured loose cotton clothes, keep your head covered, use clothes, hat or umbrella, drink sufficient amount of water – even if you are not thirsty, stay refreshed by consuming ORS (oral rehydration solution), homemade drinks like lassi, torani (rice starch), lemonade, buttermilk etc.

Do not leave children in vehicles, they may be at risk of heat stroke, do not go out barefoot, keep a hand fan with you for relief from heat, take short breaks in between work, if you are working in the fields, take shelter under a tree or in the shade from time to time.