In Haryana, BJP candidate Rekha Sharma was elected unopposed as Rajya Sabha MP. Today (13 December) was the last day for withdrawal of nomination. During this, Education Minister Mahipal Dhanda and former Assembly Speaker Gyan Chand Gupta were present. Returning Officer IAS Ashok Kumar Meena handed over the certificate to Rekha Sharma.
Let us tell you that BJP had made Rekha Sharma, who was the Chairperson of National Commission for Women (NCW), as its Rajya Sabha candidate. Congress has not fielded anyone against BJP. Congress did not even have the numbers game to win the Rajya Sabha elections.
In such a situation, the victory of the BJP candidate was considered certain. Rekha Sharma had applied on 10 December, the last day of filing nomination. Today, Rekha Sharma will be welcomed by Haryana BJP in Haryana Bhawan. A ceremony is being organized for this.
Many BJP leaders including Social Welfare Board Haryana President Sumitra Chauhan will be present in this ceremony. Let us tell you that Haryana has 5 Rajya Sabha seats and BJP is currently occupying 4. Subhash Barala, Ram Chandra Jangra, Kiran Chaudhary and Kartikeya Sharma have been elected as Rajya Sabha MPs from Haryana.
The number of BJP MLAs in the 90-member Haryana Assembly is 48. Apart from this, it also has the support of 3 independent MLAs. The opposition party Congress has 37 MLAs. Despite this, BJP will not face any problem in sending its candidate to the Rajya Sabha. Even on the strength of 48 MLAs, BJP can easily send its candidate to the Rajya Sabha by the year 2028.