Chandigarh: On the fourth day of Aam Aadmi Party’s state level Parivartan Yatra, AAP leaders cornered the Khattar government on the issue of unemployment in Haryana. On the fourth day, State President and Rajya Sabha MP Dr. Sushil Gupta stayed in Palwal. State Publicity Committee Chairman Dr. Ashok Tanwar remained in Fatehabad, Senior State Vice President Anurag Dhanda in Rewari and State Vice President Chitra Sarwara in Jagadhri.
Dr. Sushil Gupta said that Haryana is number one in unemployment. More than 2 lakh posts are vacant in Haryana. Of these, 71,000 posts are lying vacant in the Education Department, 42,000 in the Elementary Education Department and 29,000 in the Secondary Education Department. Apart from this, 21500 posts are vacant in Police Department, 10000 in Transport Department, 5500 in Animal Husbandry Department, 5000 in Public Health Engineering Department, 3320 in Fire Department and 3000 in Medical Education and Research. Haryana government has proved unsuccessful in providing employment to the youth.
He said that recently the High Court has reprimanded the Haryana Government to stop playing games with figures and tell what is being done for employment in Haryana. Under the rule of BJP government, papers are being leaked continuously, in the last 10 years, many youth have lost their opportunities, they are waiting for the result after giving the examination and today their age of qualification has passed.
State Vice President Chitra Sarwara said that at present Haryana is going through a very bad situation. Haryana is number one in unemployment, 33% of the youth are not working or studying, one out of every three youth is directionless and the youth are forced to sell their land and migrate to foreign countries. At the same time, the Aam Aadmi Party government of Punjab has given jobs to 37000 youth in just one and a half years.