Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini presented a unique example of social harmony on his birthday. When sanitation workers reached Sant Kabir Kutir in Chandigarh to wish him on his birthday, the Chief Minister sat with them at the same table and had breakfast. The employees looked happy with the behavior of the CM..
Chandigarh: The weather has completely changed in Haryana after the weak western disturbance on January 22. The temperature has increased by 7 degrees due to bright sunshine in the afternoon. Till a week ago, the maximum temperature was between 15 to 16 degrees, whereas now it has reached 22 to 23 degrees. However, for the.
Chandigarh: 10 districts of Haryana are going to get 50 new e-buses on 26 January. For this, 500 e-buses have been purchased by the government. These buses have high-tech systems installed. In view of security, every bus has 4 CCTV cameras at the front and back and an in-built tracking system. Giving this information, Haryana.