Panchkula: In Haryana’s Panchkula Sector-4, a woman named Suman Devi, who resides in Ambala, was cheated out of ₹92,000 under the guise of a work-from-home opportunity. The fraudsters initially added her to a Telegram group and gradually persuaded her to invest more money by promising higher earnings. When Suman realized that the invested amount was not being returned, she discovered that she had been duped. The woman has filed a complaint with the Cyber Crime Police Station in Panchkula Sector-20.
Suman Devi explained that she received a message on social media about earning money through work-from-home tasks. She was added to a Telegram group where daily tasks and investment-related information were provided. Initially, Suman invested ₹1,000, and in return, she received ₹1,600. After that, she invested ₹7,000 and received ₹8,000 in return.
After gaining her trust, the fraudsters convinced Suman to invest ₹20,000 and then ₹60,000. In total, she invested ₹92,000. When she started asking for her money and profits back, she was removed from the group. Based on Suman’s complaint, the Cyber Crime Police Station in Sector-20 has filed a case and is now investigating to identify and arrest the fraudsters.