Shimla: A car fell into a ditch in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, killing the car rider while 2 people were injured. The incident took place in Kumarsain. The age of the deceased is 22 years. On the evening of January 12, a Maruti 800 car (number HP 52A 7685) slipped and fell into the ditch while returning from Chhaila village towards Kumarsain.
According to the police, the car was being driven by Mohit Soni and Mohammad Hussain and Mohit Kashyap were riding with him. When they were returning from Chhaila at around 8 pm, due to the negligence and high speed of the driver, the car went out of control and fell down the hill into a deep ditch.
The three injured in the accident were admitted to Khaneri Hospital Rampur, where the next day on January 13, Mohammad Hussain (22), a resident of Dhampur in Bijnor district of Uttar Pradesh, died during treatment. The police have registered a case and a case of negligent driving has been registered against the driver Mohit Soni.