Shimla: On the complaint of a cable operator working in Himachal, the CBI has arrested an officer of TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) Delhi with bribe red-handed. The accused Senior Research Officer Narendra Singh Rawat had demanded a bribe of Rs 1 lakh from the complainant. The cable operator informed the CBI about this and the accused officer was arrested in Delhi yesterday evening after laying a trap.
According to the information, on the complaint of the cable operator, the CBI had registered an FIR in Delhi on January 1. After this, a trap was laid to catch him. The CBI arrested the accused officer with the bribe amount in Narauji Nagar, Delhi. The CBI also raided the residence and office of the accused officer in Greater Noida and seized documents and files related to the case.
It is being told that the TRAI officer had demanded a bribe of Rs 1 lakh from a license holder of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of the Government of India to operate cable services in the Sirmaur district of Himachal.
Five other license-holder cable operators of the state had already given documents related to corruption against the concerned TRAI officer to the CBI. The accused officer had threatened to cancel their license.
CBI laid a trap to catch the accused and arrested him red-handed. Rs 1 lakh was recovered from the complainant’s office in Naroji Nagar, Delhi. CBI searched the residential and official premises of the accused in Greater Noida and New Delhi and recovered incriminating documents. The investigation is ongoing.