Shimla: The CBI has registered cases in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, in the case of demanding money by threatening to implicate him in a false case of chitta smuggling and the death of a Haryana youth who had come to visit Tosh in Kullu. The Himachal Pradesh High Court had directed the state government to hand over both cases to the CBI.
The CBI has started the investigation by registering a case on Sunday. The CBI will take all the records of the investigation done so far in the cases from the police and people related to the case will be questioned.
It is worth noting that Vaibhav Yadav (21) of Haryana had come to visit Tosh with four youths on 9 December 2023. All the youths stayed at Suraj Guest House. Meanwhile, Vaibhav died. After this, Vaibhav’s father Baldev raised questions on the police investigation by giving a written complaint to the Director General of Police and Police Station Kullu. He wrote a letter to the Himachal High Court, on the basis of which a criminal writ petition was filed and the High Court ordered to hand over the investigation of the case to the CBI.
At the same time, a case was registered in Mandi’s Balh police station on 10 June 2024 on the basis of a complaint on charges of extortion by threatening to implicate in a false criminal case of chitta smuggling.
The complainant alleges that he received a phone call on the evening of 31 March 2024, in which it was said that chitta has been seized from his son’s car. If he wants to save him, then arrange for a box or one lakh rupees and asked him to come alone to Nerchowk.
In this case too, on the complaint of the youth’s father, the High Court had ordered the CBI to hand over the investigation of the case. Now the CBI has registered a case in both the cases and started investigation.