Shimla: Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu laid the foundation stone of Rajiv Gandhi Day-Boarding School to be built at a cost of Rs 25 crore on 125 kanal land in Amlahad of Naidun assembly constituency. He directed the officials to prepare the primary wing of this school within a year. Modern sports facilities will also be available in the school. The Chief Minister said that the state government is going to make big changes in the field of education. He said that it is being considered to create three separate directorates in education, in which there is a detailed discussion on creating a separate directorate for pre-primary to second, third to twelfth and graduation. In the coming time, the state government will take a decision in this regard.
Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that through Rajiv Gandhi Day-Boarding Schools, the state government has started a change in the field of education. The construction work of Rajiv Gandhi Day-Boarding Schools has started in 10 assembly constituencies in the state. He said that it is the vision of the government to provide quality education to the students studying in government schools in rural environment. Therefore, the state government is setting up Rajiv Gandhi Day-Boarding Schools in every assembly constituency in a phased manner. He said that all the modern facilities will be available in these schools under one roof so that the students can face the challenges of life with confidence. The Chief Minister said that he is reviewing the progress of construction work of these schools.
He said that the previous BJP government opened 600 schools without making provision for staff. The present government decided that these schools will not be opened until adequate staff is provided in them. He said that due to the policies of the previous BJP government, the level of quality education fell and Himachal Pradesh reached 21st position in the country. The Chief Minister said that the state government has sanctioned 11,833 posts in the education department in the last two years. 3,196 TGT, JBT and C&V teachers have been appointed and the process of filling other posts through State Selection Commission is underway. He said that the state government is recruiting 6,297 Early Childhood Care Education Tutors, 5,291 TGT, Shastri and JBT as well as 245 Special Educators.