Kullu: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu reached Tandi village in Kullu district on Monday. 17 houses and 6 cow sheds were burnt to ashes in a fire on January 1. Due to this, more than 100 people became homeless. Today CM Sukhu reached Tandi village and met the victims of fire incident.
Chief Minister Sukhu understood the pain of the fire victims and assured all possible help from the government. CM Sukhu took stock of the relief work in Tandi village and instructed the district administration to speed up the relief work.
Let us tell you that in the fire of January 1, apart from 17 houses, the storehouse of Gadhpati Sheshnag (villager’s deity) was also burnt to ashes. Since then, the affected families are spending their nights in tents.
CM Sukhu will return to Shimla after some time from Tandi. CM Sukhu was on a tour of his constituency Naidun for three days earlier.