Bilaspur: Police have arrested a drug smuggler in Bilaspur and recovered 2 kg 22 grams of Charas from the accused’s possession. The accused has been identified as Om Prakash (35 years), son of late Thakur Das, resident of village Syaah, Tehsil Bhuntar, District Kullu.
The special investigation team of the police had set up a blockade for checking vehicles near Baloh toll plaza on Tuesday morning. All the vehicles coming in were being checked. Then a person came in a Desire car, which was stopped by the police for checking. The person was going from Kullu to Bilaspur.
When the police stopped the person’s car for checking, he tried to hide a bag on seeing the police. During the search, the police recovered a huge quantity of 2.22 kg of Charas from the bag.
DSP Madan Dhiman confirmed the case and said that to stop the drug trade in the area, the police are setting up blockades at various places and vehicles are being checked. He said that such strict action will continue in the future as well.