Dharamshala: The three-day Tibetan Artists Festival began on Friday in the North Indian hill town of Dharamshala. Over 30 Tibetan artists, musicians and writers from the United States, Canada, Australia and India are here to participate in the festival. The festival is also a platform for Tibetan artists to tell stories about their freedom struggle and Chinese propaganda.
The organiser of the festival, Bhuchung D Sonam, who is also a writer, told ANI “It’s a really important thing that we need to tell stories”. He added, “I think stories are really important for Tibetans. We have lot of stories to tell based on our real experience”.
He said that the Chinese are spending huge amount of money on propaganda material whereas the Tibetan stories are based out of human experience.
“So for us telling stories is really important and people who tell the best stories are the artists so I think it’s really important for us to get together and kind of understand what art can do, how we can tell our stories better, how we can make ourselves hear better”, he said.
Tenzin Tsundue, a Tibetan activist and writer said, “Art when it’s in deep there is an understanding and an articulation and performance. It’s very powerful, much more powerful than dictatorship. It is by nature, such a power that it empowers our community and freedom struggle. And this is I think what is providing the leadership to Tibetans inside Tibet today and naturally China is scared of Tibetan artists. There are a number of singers who came from Tibet, writers who came from Tibet. They naturally tell the stories of Tibet and those who are born in India we also talk about what is happening inside and how we are leading the freedom movement forward.”