Shimla: Taking the public comments made by Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur very seriously, Assembly Speaker Kuldeep Singh Pathania has issued a warning. He said that criticizing his decisions as Speaker will be considered a violation of two types.
First, violation of the post of Assembly Speaker and second, contempt of the House. In a press conference held in the Assembly premises, Assembly Speaker Kuldeep Singh Pathania said that commenting publicly on decisions taken in the House within the ambit of rules will be considered a violation.
He warned Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur to control his thoughts and words otherwise he would be forced to take some constitutional step again. Pathania clarified that criticism of his decisions by any MLA comes under the purview of contempt, whether this criticism is inside the House or outside the House.
He said that just as criticism of court decisions comes under the purview of contempt, similarly criticism of the decision of the Assembly Speaker also comes under the purview of contempt.
He said that the decision taken in the House can be reviewed only inside the House. For that too, the permission of the Assembly Speaker will be necessary.
The decisions taken by me have been justified not only by the public but also by the High Court and the Supreme Court. On this, he said that in such a situation, making statements in the public domain on these decisions is completely wrong and a violation of the rules.