Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, Deputy CM Mukesh Agnihotri and Congress state president Pratibha Singh will go to Delhi today. All three leaders will attend the inauguration ceremony of the All India Congress Office in Delhi tomorrow.
The high command has instructed all the leaders to attend this program. Other cabinet ministers of Himachal are also going to Delhi to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Congress office.
During the Delhi visit, Sukhvinder Sukhu and Pratibha Singh can also meet top leaders regarding the new executive of the Congress in the state, because the state, district, and state executive of the Congress in the state have been dissolved by National President Mallikarjun Kharge.
A new organization of Congress has to be set up at all three levels in the state. For this, new officials have to be given responsibility.
After this program, CM Sukhu will return to Shimla tomorrow evening. After this, CM’s winter stay in Kangra district is proposed. Chief Minister Sukhu will stay in Kangra for the next one week. Sukhu will run the government from Dharamshala in Kangra for a week. Earlier, the CM was scheduled to visit Kangra on January 15. But due to his sudden visit to Delhi, it has been changed.