The allegations against the SEBI chief in the Hindenburg report have created a ruckus in the country. The opposition is demanding a JPC probe into the matter. Regarding the matter, the Congress had announced a protest in front of the ED office across the country on Thursday. In this connection, the Congress also demonstrated vigorously in Shimla by raising slogans under the leadership of state president Pratibha Singh. Congress has demanded the removal of the SEBI chief through the protest.
Get the matter investigated by JPC: Pratibha Singh
Congress state president Pratibha Singh said that the Congress and the leader of the opposition Rahul Gandhi have repeatedly raised their voice on the issue that the entire business of the country has gone into the hands of one person. The Congress leader has raised his voice in the House regarding this matter and demanded an investigation into it, but the Prime Minister did not say anything about it in the House. She said that the Hindenburg report has also raised the apprehension that there has been a scam in the stock market. Congress state president Pratibha Singh said that the Center should form a JPC in the House and get the matter investigated.
SEBI chief should be removed from the post immediately: Rathore
Meanwhile, Congress national spokesperson Kuldeep Singh Rathore said that since BJP has come to power, two people have sold the resources of the country and two people have bought them. PM Modi is selling the resources of the country to benefit his friends. He said that it has also been revealed in the Hindon Berg report that the stock market was manipulated to benefit Adani. And a scam of Rs 20,000 crore has taken place in this. Rathore said that Congress should get it investigated by JPC at the national level.