Shimla: In the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, Himachal Pradesh has witnessed an extraordinary voter turnout, reaching an impressive 68.13% as per the Election Commission’s latest update at 7 pm. Among the districts, Mandi has surged ahead with a turnout of 70.80%, showcasing significant civic engagement. However, Kangra district trails behind, recording a slightly lower turnout of 65.93%, albeit still reflecting substantial participation.
Himachal Pradesh is experiencing unprecedented voter in the current Lok Sabha elections with a remarkable 66.56% turnout reported by the Election Commission till 5pm. After 10 hours of voting, Mandi leads with a turnout of 69.07% turn out on the other hand, while Kangra lags behind has recorded 64.07% voter participation.
Himachal Pradesh has been witnessing record polling in this Lok Sabha elections. As per the data by Election Commission of India, 58.41% voter turnout has been recorded till 3pm. After 8 hours of voting, Mandi is leading with 61.03% turn out on the other hand, Kangra has recorded 55.99% voter turnout.
After completion of 6 hours of voting, as per the election commission of India, record 48.63% voter turn out has been recorded. As per the data by ECI, Mandi leads among 4 seats with 50.44% voter turnout. On the other hand, Kangra has recorded the lowest voter turnout with 47.08%.
After 4 hours of voting, the voter turnout in Himachal Pradesh stands at 31.92%. As per the figures shared by Election Commission of India, the Approximate voter turnout till 11 am is 31.92%. Mandi leads the way with 33.02% turnout while Hamirpur has recorded the least turnout of 31.25% among 4 Lok Sabha seats.
Voting till 9 am
Voting is going on in 4 Lok Sabha seats of Himachal since 7 am. People will be able to cast their votes till 6 pm. 14.35 percent voting took place in Himachal till 9 am. Shimla recorded the highest voting of 15.26%.
BJP National President JP Nadda cast his vote with his family in Bilaspur at 7 am. BJP candidate from Kangra Lok Sabha seat Rajiv Bhardwaj also reached to cast his vote in the morning.
Apart from this, BJP candidate from Hamirpur Lok Sabha seat and Union Minister Anurag Thakur cast his vote in Hamirpur with his family. BJP candidate from Mandi seat Kangana Ranaut cast her vote in Mandi. BJP candidate from Shimla seat Suresh Kashyap cast his vote with his family.