Solan MC: Mayor and former Mayor of declare disqualify

In Himachal Pradesh, the Mayor of Solan Municipal Corporation, Usha Sharma, and the former Mayor, Poonam Grover, have been disqualified on the basis of defection.

Solan: In Himachal Pradesh, Mayor of Solan Municipal Corporation, Usha Sharma, and former Mayor, Poonam Grover, have been disqualified on the basis of defection. In this regard, the Principal Secretary of the Urban Development Department has issued a notification. Both of them were accused of working against the Congress party during the election of mayor and deputy mayor held in December. As soon as they got information about this decision, both of them decided to knock the door of the court.

During the election of mayor and deputy mayor held in December last year, the post of deputy mayor slipped out of the hands of the Congress party. During this time, the authorized mayor and deputy mayor candidates of the Congress party had to face defeat. Usha Sharma from the alleged rebel faction of Congress was elected Mayor, and Meera Anand of the BJP was elected Deputy Mayor. After this election, the official candidate of Congress, Sardar Singh Thakur, had accused four Congress councillors, Usha Sharma, Poonam Grover, Rajiv Kauda, and Abhay Sharma, of conspiring with the BJP to defeat him and had complained about this to the commissioner.

He had said in the complaint that these four councilors had contested the elections on a Congress ticket, and in such a situation, their membership should be canceled for going against the authorized candidates of the party. The Commissioner had sent this complaint to the Urban Development Department, from where Deputy Commissioner Solan was ordered to investigate the matter. During his investigation, the Deputy Commissioner recorded the statements of Usha Sharma, Poonam Grover, Rajiv Kauda, and Abhay Sharma and prepared a complete investigation report on other aspects, including the whip issued by District Congress President Shiv Kumar on December 7, 2023. In this entire incident, the membership of all four Congress councilors, including the mayor, was hanging in the balance. However, Usha Sharma was disqualified for contesting against the Congress candidate and Poonam Grover for proposing her name.

The Urban Development Department issued a notification on June 10 and disqualified two of the four councilors. One of them is the current mayor, Usha Sharma, and the other is former mayor Poonam Grover. In the notification issued in this regard, the Principal Secretary of the Urban Development Department, Devesh Kumar, has cited Section 8-A and 8-C of the Himachal Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act 1994, in which Section 8-A has a provision for disqualification on the basis of defection.

- विज्ञापन -

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