HPMC to release first installment of 10 crores, apple grower get dues

Under MIS, every year, about 30,000 gardeners in the state give C-grade apples to HPMC.

Shimla: In Himachal Pradesh, there are relief apple growers, as they will receive theirs soon. After the release of the budget under the MIS (Mandi Mediation Scheme) by the government, HPMC is going to release the first installment of 10 crores to its branch offices on Tuesday. 10 crore will be released in the next phase as the second installment. HPMC is collecting information about their bank accounts from the gardeners so that the pending amount can be deposited directly into the bank accounts. From next year, the payment of apples sold to the gardeners under MIS will be done directly in the bank accounts through the portal.

Under MIS, every year, about 30,000 gardeners in the state give C-grade apples to HPMC. Till last year, HPMC used to give the money from their apples to the gardeners through a check. On the orders of the state government, from this year on, the money from MIS will go directly to the bank accounts. The payment for apples purchased under MIS was made to the orchardists 50% by the state government and 50% by the central government, but last year the central government abolished the budget for MIS and made it a token of just one lakh rupees. Due to a lack of help from the centre, the state government will now pay the entire amount. Last year, the government purchased about 52915 metric tons of apples from the orchardists.

Out of the pending amount under MIS, 10 crores will be released to the branch offices on Tuesday. For the first time, orchardists will get MIS money directly in their bank accounts. Information about the orchardists’ bank accounts is being collected. From next year, money will be deposited in the accounts through the portal. Sudesh Kumar Mokhta, Managing Director, HPMC

The MIS rate should be increased by Rs 7.50 for this season.

Samyukt Kisan Manch is demanding to fix the rate of apple purchase under MIS for this year’s apple season at Rs 80 for A grade, Rs 60 for B grade, and Rs 40 per kg for C grade. Forum convenor Harish Chauhan and co-convenor Sanjay Chauhan say that it is very important to increase the price of C grade fixed by the government from 12.50 paise per kg to a minimum of 20 rupees this year because this year the apple crop has suffered a lot due to drought, and for the second consecutive year, gardeners are likely to lose their crops.

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