The preliminary investigation of the drinking water scam in Theog, Himachal Pradesh has been completed. The Special Investigation Unit (SIU) constituted under the chairmanship of ASP Vigilance Narveer Rathore has recorded the statements of 123 people during its investigation. Its report will be prepared today at the Vigilance Headquarters.
Tomorrow this report will be submitted to the Home Secretary. After this, an FIR will be lodged on the instructions of the government. The government has already suspended 10 JEs including 2 XENs in the drinking water scam. Now their role is being looked into as to at which officer’s level the negligence has occurred.
FIR will be lodged against all the engineers whose role is suspicious in the case. Along with the officials, 4 contractors who supply water are also going to be implicated. Sources say that an FIR will be lodged against the contractors as well. Vigilance has collected evidence against them in the preliminary investigation.
During the last 10 days, the SIU of Vigilance has questioned the engineers related to this case, the field staff of the Jal Shakti department, the owners and drivers of tanker-pickup carrying water, as well as those people to whom the department has claimed to have provided water.
The statements given by the people during this period do not match with the statements of the officers and employees of the department. Due to this, the Vigilance suspects embezzlement on a large scale. The big thing is that apart from the supply of drinking water, there have been irregularities in tendering. Ignoring the terms of the tender, tenders were given to favorite contractors.