An elderly couple running a tea stall in their house in Rashol, a very remote area of Parvati Valley in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, was strangled with a mobile charger on Tuesday night. The elderly woman died in this while the husband’s condition remains critical. The elderly man is undergoing treatment at Regional Hospital Kullu. Police have started tracking down the perpetrators of the crime. After receiving the information, DSP Kullu Rajesh Kumar and SHO Manikaran reached the spot and the matter was investigated.
The help of a forensic team is also being taken. Police have registered a case under section 103 of BNS. According to the information, the police received information that an elderly couple was strangled with a mobile charger wire in Rashol on Tuesday night. The couple runs a tea stall in Janag in Rashol village. Meanwhile, on Wednesday morning, someone saw them in an unconscious state and they were brought to Jari Hospital. Where the elderly woman Gangi Devi (60) was declared dead. The condition of her husband Dhani Ram (65) is very critical.
They were admitted to the regional hospital Kullu. Additional Superintendent of Police Kullu Sanjeev Chauhan said that prima facie both the elderly people have been strangled with the wire of the mobile charger. The woman has died in this. The police have taken the body in custody and it has been kept in the mortuary Kullu. The husband’s condition is critical and he is not in a condition to give a statement. He said that an investigation is going on as to who has committed this crime. After the incident, the sensation spread in the entire Parvati valley.