Friday was recorded as the hottest day of the season in Himachal Pradesh. The temperature of Neri in Hamirpur has reached 46.7 degrees Celsius. Earlier, on May 29 this year, the highest temperature of 46.3 degrees was recorded in Neri.
Earthquake tremors were felt in Himachal Pradesh's Kullu last night. Its intensity was measured 3 on Richter scale. There is no report of any loss of life or property.
Today, marks a significant milestone as The Savera Times, the youngest English newspaper in our region serving Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu-Kashmir, and the NCR Delhi, turns one. Within just one year, our publication has achieved remarkable success, surpassing a circulation of 60,000 copies across the region. Crafted with meticulous care, our news articles aim.
In Himachal Pradesh, the Mayor of Solan Municipal Corporation, Usha Sharma, and the former Mayor, Poonam Grover, have been disqualified on the basis of defection.