In Himachal Pradesh, heat has troubled people due to three days of scorching heat and forest fire. Thursday (16th may) was the hottest day of the season in the state. The maximum temperature of Shimla reached 27.6 and Una reached 41.8 degrees Celsius.
During street meeting, on Thursday, BJP candidate from Mandi parliamentary constituency Kangana Ranaut took a jibe at congress and said that "do not give the command of nation to any cartoon network".
The Education Department has issued instructions to the District Deputy Directors to make attendance mandatory through the Smart Attendance App. Now the attendance of teachers and students will be online.
A case of murder of a female tourist has come to light in a private hotel in Manali, a tourist town of Kullu in Himachal Pradesh. Manali police team has arrested the accused.
Earthquake has been recorded in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. The earthquake occurred around 10:46 am and its intensity was measured at 2.4 on the Richter scale.