Shimla: Black sheep’s of Congress Party once again exposed in Himachal Pradesh Assembly during Rajyasabha election. Heavy cross-voting by Congress MLAs in the voting held on Tuesday for a Rajya Sabha seat from Himachal Pradesh. Due to Congress MLA’s Cross voting BJP Candidate Harsh Mahajan Has been Won the seat. Both BJP Candidate Harsh Mahajan.
There has been snowfall in the high altitude areas of district Kullu. Due to the snow, slippage on the road has also increased. In such a situation, a vehicle slipped on ice in Sojha of sub-division Banjar last night. Three tourists have been injured in this road accident.
Kullu : A private school bus met with an accident at Ghiyagi in Banjar of Kullu. Five children traveling in the bus were injured in this road accident, out of which two children have been referred to Kullu Hospital after being given first aid at Banjar Hospital. The Banjar police team has registered the case.