To save the youth of Himachal from falling into the trap of drug abuse, the Directorate of Higher Education has taken a big decision. Now, during admission in schools from 9th to 12th classes, parents and students will have to give an undertaking that they will not consume any kind of drug. After admission, if any student breaks the rules and consumes drugs, he will be expelled from the school.
A campaign will also be run against drug abuse in schools. Details of drug-addicted students have also been sought from the schools. These students will be removed from drug addiction through counseling. In a letter issued to all the District Education Deputy Directors on Wednesday by the Directorate of Higher Education, instructions have been given that every student and parent will have to sign an undertaking at the time of admission, which will state that the school is a drug-free zone.
The aim of this initiative is to create an environment of zero tolerance towards drug abuse. Parents and students will have to take an undertaking that they will refrain from engaging in any activity related to drug abuse or consumption. The signed agreement will serve as a commitment to maintain the anti-drug stance of the institution.