Shimla: A government employee died under suspicious circumstances in Himachal Pradesh’s capital Shimla. The deceased person lived in Gialfo House Strawberry Hill in Shimla. His body was found in the room. As per information, he was working in the Central Goods and Tax Department.
The deceased has been identified as Rohit Indora, resident of Rosewood Apartment Dwarka Delhi. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and rushed Rohit to IGMC, where doctors declared him dead.
The police informed the family about the incident. Police said that the postmortem has not been done yet. The team of Forensic Lab Junga has also come to the spot and inspected. At present, the cause of death has not been ascertained.
Rohit Indora was working in the office of Commissioner Central of Joint Goods and Tax Department in Shimla and lived in Strawberry Hill, Shimla. Police said that he used to consume excessive alcohol. The cause of death will be known only after the postmortem report comes.