New Delhi: Days after the declaration of Lok Sabha election results 2024, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau congratulated his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi on Wednesday. He sent him wishes on his electoral victory in the Lok Sabha polls. The wishes from Canadian PM have come at times when diplomatic ties between two nations are not at good level.
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau through his official account of the Canadian Prime Minister on X extended his wishes. The Canadian Prime Minister wrote, “Congratulations to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his electoral victory.”
He further added, “Canada stands ready to work with his government to advance the relationship between our nations’ peoples–anchored to human rights, diversity, and the rule of law.”
Justin Trudeau last year made allegations that India has hand in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar on the Canadian soil. India reacted on the claims made and called them false and baseless.