Hamas attacks Israel’s Kerem Shalom

Hamas again attacked on the Kerem Shalom border crossing between Israel and the far south of the Gaza Strip. This is the fourth such attack since Sunday.

Tel Aviv :  Hamas again attacked on the Kerem Shalom border crossing between Israel and the far south of the Gaza Strip. This is the fourth such attack since Sunday.

Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) organisation, which is responsible for coordination with Palestinian civil authorities, posted on the X messaging service: “Hamas just fired at the Kerem Shalom, the main humanitarian aid crossing into Gaza.”

The attack was the fourth time this week that Hamas had actively fired on the crossing point, it said.

“Hamas will do anything to prevent aid from reaching the people of Gaza,” COGAT added.

Over recent days, Israeli protestors have again blocked aid convoys seeking to enter the Gaza Strip, saying that the deliveries are aiding Hamas in resisting Israeli forces.