Globally Muslim population grew by 43% from 1950-2015, Hindu shrunk

Globally majority religion population showing downward decline in the graph.

New Delhi : A recent study conducted by Economic Advisory Council to the prime Minister (EAC-PM) has released the data of religious demographic composition in India. And showing a serious decline in the Hindu population, parallely many minorities population grew up.

According to th data year between 1950-2015, in India the Hindu population dropped 84% to 78%. In the meantime, the population of various minority religion shows a rise. Muslim population increased by 43.15%, Christians by 5.38%, Sikhs by 6.58% and Buddhists witnessed a slight increase.

This study analyzed the data accross 167 countries. In many countries many majority religion are showing that there is a decline in the population. This report mainly showing the trends for South-Asian countries.

In the report it shows that India’s neighbour Bangladesh possess a increase in Muslim population by 18.5%.