Washington, DC [US : As Ayodhya’s Ram Temple celebrated Ram Navami, ‘Overseas Friends of Ram Mandir’ US distributed more than 101 kg of ‘Raghupati Laddoos’ brought from Ayodhya to the United States and then further distributed them to devotees across the globe as ‘prasad’.“Of the total number of this special Indian sweet, 101 kg laddoos.
London [UK] : A 13-year-old boy was killed and several other people were stabbed by a sword-wielding man in London on Tuesday, The New York Times reported citing authorities.The child, a 13-year-old boy, died after being taken to a hospital, Stuart Bell, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police, said in a news conference.The stabbing spree.
At least two people have been killed by Russian missile attacks in the southern Ukrainian port city of Odesa, while a further eight were injured, the Governor of the region, Oleh Kiper, said on Telegram.
High levels of chemicals known to cause cancer have been found in 38 products for kids available on the Chinese shopping apps of AliExpress and Temu for South Korean customers, the customs agency said on Tuesday.