After attending the G7 meeting and holding multiple bilaterals during his day-long visit to Italy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday returned to Delhi. The PM said that he had a productive day after interacting with world leaders.
The police have arrested the main accused in the case. Gaurav Gill was arrested by the authorities a few hours after the women were shot on Wednesday morning.
Swiss officials had invited 160 countries for the conference, out of which leaders or representatives of about 90 countries including India will participate in it. However, many big countries refused to attend it. At the same time, Russia has not been invited for this summit.
Approximately of 27,000 residents have been evacuated from China's Fujian province, which has been recording heavy rain for the past few days, according to local authorities.
Muslims from across the globe embarked on the Haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia on Friday, with authorities anticipating a gathering of 2 million people despite scorching temperatures.
The Indian side in these government-to-government talks is represented by the officials from the Directorate General of Acquisition under the Ministry of Defence and other military officers from the user side, they said.
Three Palestinians, identified as leaders of the Islamic Jihad movement's Jenin Battalion, were killed in an Israeli raid in Qabatiya, south of Jenin in the northern West Bank.
Social media posts showed protesters fortifying their barricades outside the building at night as they waited for President of Cal State LA Berenecea Johnson Eanes to negotiate with them.