New Delhi: The Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Delhi on Monday said that the authorities has recorded a total of 1,55,24,858 registered voters in the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi, marking a net increase of 1.09 per cent.
A statement released on Monday by the CEO said that during the claims and objections period between October 29 to November 28, 2024, a total of 1,35,089 new registrations were done. A total of 69,177 deletions in the voter list and a total of 83,825 corrections were made.
This process resulted in the addition of 3,08,942 voters and the deletion of 1,41,613, yielding a net increase of 1,67,329 voters.
However, the CEO highlighted an unprecedented surge in new voter registrations since December 16, 2024, with over 5.1 lakh Form-6 applications received after the Special Summary Revision (SSR) 2025 deadline.
“This significant spike, occurring more than 20 days after the closure of the claims and objections period, is under scrutiny. Directions have been issued to all Election Registration Officers (EROs) to strictly verify each application as per Election Commission of India (ECI) guidelines. Measures being implemented include 100 per cent field verification by EROs and Assistant EROs (AEROs) and Personal hearings in doubtful cases,” the Delhi CEO said.
According to CEO Delhi, eight FIRs have been lodged against 24 individuals till now for submitting fraudulent documents for obtaining voter ID.
As per the CEO, draft rolls were displayed at designated locations and published on the CEO Delhi website on October 29, 2024. Copies of the draft rolls were shared with all six recognized political parties.