Friendship and relations not work in administration :Punjab CM

A decision was also taken to recruit 10 thousand police personnel in Punjab.

Chandigarh: After the setback of losing 10 out of 13 seats in the Lok Sabha elections in Punjab, the AAP government has come into action. On Tuesday, CM Bhagwant Mann held a meeting with all the SSPs and Police Commissioners of Punjab.

In which he reprimanded the police officers. Mann said that people catch drug peddlers and hand them over to the police station, and behind their backs, the employees let them go after maintaining friendships and relations.

The CM said that friendship and kinship will not work in police stations.

Therefore, everyone will be transferred. He said that if any MLA complains, the officers will have to listen to him.

Those who do not work will be transferred to Chandigarh. Mann was ordered to attach the property of a drug smuggler after his arrest of seven days.

If any policeman is found involved, he will be dismissed. Apart from this, a decision was also taken to recruit 10 thousand police personnel in Punjab.

CM Mann said that the police are accused of having the same staff posted in the police stations for a long time. But the friendship and relations of the employees are so deep that the complainant reaches home from behind, while the accused reaches home first. The clerk, station incharge, and constables have been transferred in such a situation. The transfer has been done at the divisional and range levels. He said that arrests will be made on a war footing on the issue of drugs.

The CM has made it clear to the police employees that now they will have to work. If they do not want to work, they will be transferred. They will be posted in some offices in Chandigarh. He has made it clear that the police have to work under a mission; now work will not be done on commission.

CM Mann said that now gangsters, terrorists, and smugglers have come together. Earlier, drugs used to come in drones from the enemy country; now weapons and ten to 15 lakh rupees are coming. But now the police will take strict action against them. He said that drugs come from Gujarat. Punjab is being defamed. Punjab is fighting it.

As soon as the Lok Sabha elections were over, the CM had a meeting with DGP Gaurav Yadav at his residence. In this, he instructed the police to connect with the people. After this, it was decided that the police personnel would sit in their offices from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. People’s complaints will be resolved on a priority basis. The orders were implemented.

At the same time, the department claimed that the efforts of the police had been successful. About forty thousand complaints have been resolved. These orders were issued from the SHO level to the DGP office.