Mumbai: Actress Alia Bhatt, who recently appeared in Jigra, posted pictures from her New Year celebrations on Instagram. The photos, taken at an undisclosed location, include her husband Ranbir Kapoor, their daughter Raha Kapoor, her mother Soni Razdan, director Ayan Mukerji, mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor, and sister-in-law Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. In her caption, she expressed, “2025: where love leads & the rest just follows…!! Happy New Year, everyone!”
Earlier, Alia was seen arriving at the Versova jetty in Mumbai after a boat ride, dressed in an oversized striped shirt and wenge-colored pants. Many celebrities are now choosing jetty rides from Versova to shooting locations in Madh Island, as it significantly reduces travel time compared to the lengthy 90-minute road journey. Other stars, including Kannada superstar Yash and Kiara Advani, have also opted for this quicker route.
In December, Alia celebrated the holiday season by setting up a Christmas tree at her home, sharing a video on her Instagram Stories that showcased the tree adorned with ornaments featuring the names of her family members, including Ranbir and Raha, who celebrated her second birthday last month. Alia noted, “And it’s up” in her video.
December holds special significance for Alia and Ranbir as they partake in the Kapoor family’s traditional Christmas celebrations at Kunal Kapoor’s house, where the entire family gathers for the festivities.