Prayagraj: Uttar Pradesh’s Deputy Chief Minister, Brajesh Pathak, provided details about the extensive security and safety measures in place for the millions of devotees expected at the 2025 Maha Kumbh, set to commence on January 13. He announced that 125 ambulances, including 15 equipped with Advanced Life Support (ALS) systems, have been deployed on the roads to provide basic life support in emergencies. Additionally, air and seven river ambulances will also be available, with one river ambulance already operational and the others set to be deployed shortly.
Addressing concerns about threats from Khalistani extremists, Pathak assured that the government has implemented adequate security measures. He emphasized that the administration is committed to ensuring a smooth experience for both seers and devotees, minimizing any potential issues related to travel and accommodation.
In a related statement, Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya criticized Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav, pointing out that during Yadav’s tenure as Chief Minister, accidents occurred during the Kumbh mela, leading to pilgrim fatalities. Maurya highlighted that no such incidents happened during the Ardh Kumbh in 2019, which is why a larger crowd is anticipated this time around.
Inviting all seers and devotees to attend, the Deputy CM noted that this Maha Kumbh is particularly significant, occurring after 144 years, and the government has made extensive preparations to accommodate the expected 45 crore attendees. The event will take place at the Sangam, the sacred confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers, where devotees believe that taking a holy dip can cleanse sins and grant moksha (liberation). The Maha Kumbh will conclude on February 26, with key bathing dates on January 14 (Makar Sankranti), January 29 (Mauni Amavasya), and February 3 (Basant Panchami).