Mumbai: Bollywood actress Ananya Panday, who recently appeared in the streaming film ‘CTRL’, has posted a throwback video of her father, Chunky Panday, hosting a New Year’s event in the 1980s.
She shared the clip on her Instagram Stories, featuring Chunky in a tuxedo as he hosted a Doordarshan broadcast from 1988. In the video, he remarks, “The old year has passed, and with new joys, a new year has come. Let’s welcome this moment with smiles, dancing, and singing. But imagine if this moment suddenly stops—when everyone’s heart races, and we all get up to dance. That magic is the Swarlehari of music. The one and only, Bappi Lahiri.”
Chunky then introduces the renowned music composer, saying, “Hello everybody. Happy New Year, Bappi da! What film song will you sing for us today?” Bappi responds, “Today is not about film songs. Everything is new, including my music, just for you.”
Chunky concludes with, “And I’m new here too. I’m a new announcer from Doordarshan. My name is Chunky Panday, wishing you all a Happy New Year from Doordarshan and me. Bappi da, please take the stage; it’s all yours.”
Earlier, Ananya praised Deepika Padukone, describing her as a strong advocate for everyone on set. She shared an experience from a roundtable discussion, stating, “When I started in the industry, I didn’t realize you could stand up for what you want. I just did what I was told.”