New Delhi: Soon after Delhi Chief Minister Atishi alleged BJP-led central government for throwing her out out CM’s residence second time in last three months the Public Works Department (PWD) has refuted the claims of Delhi CM Atishi over her official residence and said that she did not take physical possession of 6-Flagstaff Road (CM residence) despite multiple requests.
A letter shared by the PWD said that they had made the offer of two new residences to the Delhi CM, one at Raj Niwas Lane and the other at Daryaganj.
The letter from the PWD read, “The allottee had failed to take physical possession of the bungalow at 6, Flag Staff Road, despite multiple requests. As per the provision, if the allottee fails to take physical occupation of the house within five working days from the date of issue of ‘Habitability Certificate’, the allotment shall be cancelled automatically.”
The letter also mentions the CAG audit related to 6-Flagstaff Road.
“An inquiry by CBI is also underway. The Directorate of Vigilance (DOV), had also recently sought a factual note on certain allegations related to the construction and renovation of the bungalow and PWD is in the process of verifying the inventory,” the PWD said in its letter.
Earlier today, addressing a press conference, CM Atishi claimed that the Centre has “thrown” her out of the CM’s residence for the second time in three months.
Atishi also said that the BJP-led central government has thrown me out of the Chief Minister’s residence for the second time in three months. “The BJP thinks that they will stop us from working by snatching our houses, abusing us and speaking ill about my family. They can snatch our houses, and stop our work but cannot stop our passion for working for the people of Delhi,” she said.