Mumbai: Karan Veer Mehra, fresh off his victory on Bigg Boss 18, sat down for an interview with Elvish Yadav and made some candid revelations. The actor spoke about his time on the reality show, which was filled with challenges, alliances, and laughter, culminating in his well-deserved win. He also opened up about his experience working with Sunny Leone in the 2014 film Ragini MMS 2.
Karan Veer Mehra on his steamy shower scene with Sunny Leone
Mehra, who played the role of Maddy in Ragini MMS 2, shared a steamy shower scene with Sunny Leone. When asked about the scene on the podcast, he joked that it was the last time he ever took a shower. He then went on to describe his friends’ hilarious reactions to the scene. “It was a shower scene,” he said. “When I showed it to my friends, they went into depression, four of them still haven’t recovered!” Elvish playfully remarked that he’d watched the scene at least ten times, prompting Karan to add, “Bro, I had a good meal that day. I needed energy. It was fun. My friends teased me that I even got money for doing it.”
Multiple retakes and a long shoot day for the Ragini MMS 2 scene
Karan Veer Mehra further revealed that filming the shower scene required multiple takes. The shoot began at 11 am and continued until 9 pm that night. On Bigg Boss 18, Karan emerged victorious, defeating strong contenders Vivian Dsena and Rajat Dalal. He took home the trophy and a prize sum of Rs 50 lakh.