Bihar: In East Champaran, Bihar, Superintendent of Police Swarn Prabhat has suspended two officers and withheld the salaries of 60 police personnel due to significant lapses in their responsibilities. The suspended officers are Vishwajeet Kumar, the Station House Officer (SHO) of Harpur police station, and Ravi Raj, the Additional SHO of the city police station.
Kumar was suspended for not effectively enforcing liquor laws, while Raj faced suspension for negligence identified in a recent operational review. Kishan Paswan, the Additional SHO from Banjaria police station, has been appointed as the new SHO of Harpur.
All personnel at the City Police Station received show-cause notices, and their salaries are being withheld pending further investigation. Prabhat stated that the actions were taken following a review meeting that highlighted the personnel’s negligence in executing warrants and maintaining law and order. Ongoing investigations will determine if further departmental actions are necessary based on their responses to the show-cause notices.