Himachal: In a recent ruling, the district court dismissed the All Himachal Muslim Organisation’s request for a stay on the Municipal Commissioner’s order to demolish the top three unauthorized floors of a mosque in Sanjauli, the state capital. Additional District and Sessions Judge Praveen Garg upheld the Municipal Commissioner’s October 5 order, which mandated the demolition within two months.
The petitioner, Nazakat Ali Hashmi, challenged the order, questioning the Sanjauli Mosque Committee’s authority and asserting that he had a vested interest as a donor to the mosque’s construction. The court previously denied local residents’ requests to join the case. Additionally, the Himachal Pradesh High Court had instructed the Municipal Commissioner’s Court to resolve the matter within eight weeks.
In response, Muhammad Latif, president of the Sanjauli Mosque Committee, noted that due to a labor shortage, demolition work may not commence until March, as many workers have returned to their hometowns for the winter. He stated that only one floor of the mosque has been demolished so far and expressed willingness to accept the court’s final decision.