New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal, who is lodged in Tihar Jail in the liquor policy case, has filed a petition in Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court regarding medical test. Delhi CM demands that his wife Sunita should remain connected through video conferencing during the medical test. The matter will be heard on Saturday (June 15).
On June 5, the Rouse Avenue Court had directed the jail authorities to conduct the necessary medical tests of Delhi Cm Arvind Kejriwal. Also, Kejriwal’s interim bail plea seeking 7 days bail on medical grounds was rejected and judicial custody was extended till June 19.
Kejriwal was arrested on March 21. The Supreme Court granted him interim bail on May 10. After being out on bail for 21 days, Kejriwal surrendered in Tihar at 5 pm on June 2.
AAP had said – Kejriwal’s ketone level decreased, this is a sign of a serious illness
Aam Aadmi Party claims that after the arrest, Kejriwal’s weight has decreased by 7 kg and his ketone level is high, which can be a sign of a serious illness.
AAP had also said that the doctors had advised Kejriwal to undergo positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET-CT) scan and some other medical tests, due to which he had demanded extension of his interim bail.
His sugar level was also a constant topic of discussion while in jail. Kejriwal and his party had also claimed that he was not being given insulin.