Mumbai: Diljit Dosanjh’s film Panjab 95, based on activist Jaswant Singh Khalra’s life, continues to face delays following the censor board’s demand for 120 cuts. Sharing his look from the film, Diljit expressed hope, stating, “Aj Nhi Te Kal SACH Samne Auga… Eh Kahani Lokan Samney Augi.”
The film, which highlights Khalra’s fight against extrajudicial killings of Sikh youth in the 1990s, has drawn controversy for its sensitive subject. Khalra’s wife, Paramjit Kaur Khalra, has opposed the cuts, demanding the film be released unaltered to preserve historical accuracy.
Initially set for a February release, the film has been postponed indefinitely. Producer Honey Trehan and Diljit apologised to fans, citing circumstances beyond their control as the cause for the delay.