Belagavi: In Belagavi district, Karnataka, a woman named Savithri has been arrested for allegedly killing her husband, Srimantha Itnale. She claimed it was an act of protection after he attempted to sexually assault their daughter. The incident reportedly occurred in their village of Umarani, near Chikkodi.
Police sources indicate that Srimantha, known for his abusive nature and heavy drinking, attempted to rape their daughter. Unable to tolerate the situation, Savithri intervened and struck him with a heavy object, resulting in his death. To conceal the crime, she dismembered his body and disposed of the remains in nearby farmland. She initially tried to mislead authorities by suggesting that an external group was responsible for the murder.
After villagers discovered the dismembered body and alerted the police, Savithri was taken into custody. During interrogation, she admitted to the killing, explaining that her actions were meant to protect her child. The investigation revealed a history of domestic violence, with Srimantha often demanding money for alcohol and even pressuring Savithri into compromising situations to support him financially.
The case underscores the critical domestic issues some families face, emphasizing the urgent need for effective support systems and protective measures for women and children in vulnerable positions.