The uproar over firing outside the Golden Temple on former Punjab Deputy CM and Shiromani Akali Dal chief Sukhbir Badal is increasing. Akali leader Bikram Majithia on Thursday released 3 new footages of CCTV cameras installed inside the Golden Temple. With these footages, Majithia claimed that SP Harpal Singh of Punjab Police posted in Amritsar was also involved in the entire conspiracy to murder Sukhbir Badal.
Earlier, on Wednesday, Majithia had released the footage of the meeting between terrorist Narain Singh Chaura, who attacked Sukhbir Badal, and SP Harpal Singh. Meanwhile, Amritsar Police Commissioner Gurpreet Bhullar refused to say anything about Bikram Majithia’s claims in a press conference called on Thursday. Bhullar said that it is not appropriate to comment on everything.
Bikram Majithia released three footages of CCTV cameras installed in the Golden Temple on Thursday and said that when Sukhbir Badal was attacked, the main officer responsible for his security, SP Harpal Singh, was drinking tea sitting in the information office of the Golden Temple. This is about those 2 minutes when the attack happened.
Majithia asked the Punjab Police, claiming to have deployed 175 soldiers to the Golden Temple premises for Sukhbir’s security. Where were these 175 soldiers? Jasbir Singh, the brave officer of the Punjab Police who saved Sukhbir Badal’s life, was not even on official duty.
Majithia asked whether SP Harpal Singh knew about the attack on Sukhbir. What was SP Harpal Singh telling terrorist Narayan Chaura? Police Commissioner Gurpreet Bhullar should clarify this.