Patna: Heavy police presence has been established in Bajitpur village, Darbhanga district, Bihar, following violent incidents during the Vivah Panchami tableau procession on Saturday. Tensions flared when the procession passed near a mosque on Friday night, leading to stone pelting by unidentified individuals, which resulted in clashes between two groups. Some participants sustained injuries and were taken to a local hospital, but police intervention helped restore order.
This incident has disrupted a 30-year tradition of peaceful tableaux during Vivah Panchami, an event celebrating the marriage of Lord Rama and Sita. Organizer Nago Das expressed his disbelief, noting that such violence had never occurred before. He explained that the tableau was attacked as it neared the mosque and that many women and children involved were quickly sheltered in a nearby temple while the local police were notified.
Witnesses mentioned that there had been no previous issues with Hindu processions in the area. Allegations have emerged that members of the other community had prepared bricks and stones in advance to disrupt the event. The situation escalated rapidly, leading to injuries and chaos.
Following the violence, police personnel on-site helped the victims, and additional forces were summoned to ensure safety. Officials from the district administration are now monitoring the area to prevent further conflicts. Authorities are also investigating the incident, including examining CCTV footage to identify those responsible.