Srinagar: In their ongoing battle against drug trafficking, the Jammu and Kashmir Police seized two vehicles linked to drug peddlers in Srinagar. According to a police statement, this operation aims to eliminate drug-related issues in society. The vehicles seized include a Toyota Corolla, registration number DL4CNE 6086, and a BMW, registration number JK01AF-0047, both confiscated in connection with FIR No. 36/2024 under sections 8 and 21 of the NDPS Act at the Chanapora Police Station. The accused is Mudasir Ahmad Wani, son of Gulam Rasool Wani, residing in Stadium Colony, Chanapora. Wani had previously been arrested for drug offenses a few days earlier.
The seizure was conducted under the provisions of the NDPS Act, emphasizing the police’s commitment to eradicating drug trafficking and dismantling its supporting infrastructure. Earlier, the police had confiscated a property valued over Rs one crore from a drug peddler and a residential house worth Rs 5 crore in Anantnag district from another trafficker. Investigations indicate these properties were acquired with proceeds from the illegal narcotics trade.
Security forces further warn that money from drug trafficking is often used to finance terrorism by enticing youth to join various militant groups. Following an upsurge in terrorist activities following recent local elections, security forces, including the Army and police, have launched a vigorous anti-terror initiative targeting militants, their associates, and supporters. Lt Governor Manoj Sinha recently led high-level security meetings, directing forces to dismantle the terror ecosystem within the union territory.