Mumbai: Junaid Khan, the eldest son of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan and his ex-wife Reena Dutta, recently gave an insightful and candid interview that has gone viral. In a conversation with Vicky Lalwani on his YouTube channel, Junaid opened up about how he dealt with his parents’ divorce, and his reflections on family dynamics and emotional resilience. The interview struck a chord with audiences, thanks to Junaid’s mature perspective and honesty in discussing the challenges of growing up in the spotlight, while maintaining a sense of normalcy within his family.
Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta, who were married in 1986 and separated in 2002, made it a priority to shield their children from any emotional distress related to their divorce. Junaid, now 25, revealed that he and his sister Ira were not burdened with the difficulties of their parents’ separation during their formative years. “It was good. My parents split up when I was about eight, but they never made us feel it. I never saw them fight until I was 19. The first time I saw my parents argue, I was 19. So we never saw them disagree or have any major conflict. They always presented a united front when it came to us (Junaid and his sister Ira). I think that was a mature way of handling it. Two good people aren’t always good together, and in this way, at least I had a childhood where both my parents were happy,” Junaid shared.
This statement highlights the carefully thought-out approach Aamir and Reena took to minimize the emotional strain on their children, something that is often a challenge for parents undergoing a separation. Junaid expressed deep gratitude for the way his parents handled their divorce, saying that their ability to remain civil and supportive of one another, despite no longer being together, allowed him to grow up without unnecessary trauma.
Despite the challenges of growing up with high-profile parents, Junaid also touched upon the strong family bonds that have remained intact post-divorce. Reflecting on life after his parents’ separation, Junaid explained that they continue to maintain close ties. “It’s great. We meet often (after Ira’s marriage). We all live within a 100-metre radius, so we see each other quite frequently. In fact, every Tuesday evening, we have family tea. Mum, Ira, Dad and I meet – though sometimes not all of us are free, we still try to meet every week. We’ve been doing this for a few years now,” he shared, emphasizing the importance of family time in fostering strong relationships.
The bond between Junaid and his family has remained unaffected by the changes in their personal lives, which is reflected in their regular gatherings. In fact, despite his parents’ split, Junaid continues to experience a strong sense of togetherness, with the family prioritizing their time together, regardless of their individual schedules.
Junaid’s reflections on his family life were not the only highlight of the interview. The 25-year-old actor is also making waves in the film industry. He is set to appear in the upcoming romantic drama Loveyapa, which will release on February 7th. The film stars Junaid alongside Khushi Kapoor, the daughter of the late legendary actress Sridevi. Fans are excited to see Junaid’s debut performance, and the movie is expected to be a big step in his acting career. Furthermore, Junaid is also lined up for another exciting project with actress Sai Pallavi later this year, adding to the anticipation surrounding his future in Bollywood.
In conclusion, Junaid Khan’s candid interview has sparked a conversation about the complexities of growing up in a famous family, and how strong family ties can remain intact even after significant life changes like divorce. As Junaid prepares to step into the limelight with his upcoming films, it’s clear that his maturity and perspective will continue to capture attention both on and off-screen.