Mumbai: Kajol recently shared her New Year resolution, expressing confidence in her fabulousness. On December 30, the Bollywood actress posted stunning photos of herself in a saree, accessorized with statement earrings and jewelry. She radiated joy in the pictures, captioning them, “None of this new year new me shit! I was fabulous last year and I will be even more fabulous next year as well #somoteitbe #asitis.”
Earlier, she had shared a candid selfie with the caption, “Just me, being the main character as always #selfietime.”
Kajol also reminisced about her time with Shah Rukh Khan while filming “Dilwale,” sharing behind-the-scenes photos that showcased their fun moments. In one image, they struck a romantic pose, while another featured her smiling brightly alongside the cast and crew.
On the work front, Kajol’s latest project is the thriller “Do Patti,” directed by Shashanka Chaturvedi and co-starring Kriti Sanon and Shaheer Sheikh. In the film, she portrays a police officer named Vidya Jyothi. Reflecting on this role, Kajol noted, “As an actor, I have always looked forward to roles that allow me to connect with my audience. This being the first time I play a police officer, I can’t wait for my fans to see me in this new avatar. Bringing this powerful story to life has been rewarding.”