Mumbai: Karan Johar recently shared a nostalgic post on Instagram as the 2013 romantic comedy Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani returns to theaters this Friday. Reflecting on the film’s significance, he referred to it as a “yaadon ka mithai ka dabba,” encouraging fans to relive the memories of the movie. His post included a collage of key moments from the film, highlighting themes of love, dreams, passion, and friendship.
The movie, which was a massive hit at the box office, is seeing great anticipation for its re-release, with reports showing that 25,000 tickets have already been sold in advance. Kalki Koechlin, who played Aditi in the film, also joined in the excitement by recreating the iconic scene where her character sends a wedding invitation video to Bunny (Ranbir Kapoor), encouraging fans to watch the film again on the big screen.
Directed by Ayan Mukerji, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani featured a star-studded cast including Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Aditya Roy Kapur, and Kalki Koechlin. Produced by Hiroo Yash Johar and Karan Johar under Dharma Productions, the film also featured memorable music composed by Pritam. The film tells the story of four friends whose lives change after a trekking trip, and it became known for hit songs like “Badtameez Dil,” “Balam Pichkari,” “Kabira,” and others.