New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) launched a sharp attack on the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Sunday, accusing its National Convenor and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of fostering a culture of extortion within the party. The accusations came after AAP MLA Naresh Balyan, representing Uttam Nagar, was arrested in connection with an extortion racket.
Balyan was apprehended on Saturday, shortly after the BJP released audio clips allegedly featuring the MLA in conversations with gangster Kapil Sangwan, also known as Nandu. The clips reportedly show discussions about threatening and extorting money from builders and other individuals in Delhi.
BJP National Spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia, in a press conference on Saturday, labeled Balyan an “extortionist” and claimed that the MLA’s actions were carried out with the full knowledge and consent of Arvind Kejriwal. Bhatia further alleged that AAP leaders had connections with gangsters, who were reportedly collecting protection money from traders and builders across the capital.
BJP leaders also criticized AAP’s silence on the matter, accusing the party of having links with criminal elements. BJP National Secretary Manjinder Singh Sirsa went further, alleging that AAP was running an extortion racket from jails. He stated, “No one is a bigger extortionist than Arvind Kejriwal,” and claimed that extortion within the party had become “standard practice.”
Delhi BJP Vice President Kapil Mishra also condemned Kejriwal’s silence, implying that it suggested his involvement. “Why is Kejriwal silent on Naresh Balyan’s arrest? This silence points to a direct connection with criminals,” Mishra said, adding that such incidents were not isolated, citing another AAP MLA, Naresh Yadav, who was recently sentenced to jail.
Mishra also raised concerns over the criminal background of gangster Kapil Sangwan, claiming he was involved in 20 cases, including one related to the murder of a BJP leader in Delhi. He suggested that AAP leaders’ association with such figures revealed the party’s true nature.
Former BJP MLA Arvinder Singh Lovely also criticized AAP’s leadership, highlighting the party’s ongoing involvement in various scandals, such as the liquor scam, school building scams, and the ‘Sheesh Mahal’ controversy. “Delhiites are witnessing politics sinking to a new low under AAP,” he stated.
The BJP has demanded swift legal action against Balyan and others involved in the alleged extortion racket. They have also called on Kejriwal to address the allegations and break his silence on the issue. This controversy adds to the growing list of challenges faced by AAP, which has been grappling with accusations of corruption and criminal activities among its members, further raising concerns about the party’s governance and ethical standards.